diumenge, 18 de maig del 2014

Ephemeral Art. 4th Grade

After watching some EPHEMERAL ARTWORKS in the class we discussed what is this art made of and we noticed we can do Ephemeral Art with a lot of materials we have on hands. But the important point is that it must be done NICELY. It must be BEAUTIFULL as the ART is.
So, we started with a collaboraritve work at the school stairs. We tittle was  "THE PATH OF HAPPINESS". And it was made of CHALK (guix)

We also experimented with another "strange material" the ICE. Susanna, our teacher assistant, showed us the technique.
We drop some paints in a water frozen tray and we watched it how the colours went blending and at the end with the ice melted just one colour appeared.

These were our works at the beginning. Weren't they awesome?

Watch the difference at the end of the class.

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