divendres, 12 de juliol del 2013

Reading session: "Matt's mistake"

After living in Bilbao this school year, Robert, our American language assistant and friend, came to Lleida this June and visited us. He spent  some days with us. so we made the most of it. This is a reading activity with class 2A children  Also he was in the Scorpions classroom. Thank you Robert and Good Luck in your future life.

"Over the mountains" song

This is a song we learnt to practise Transport vocabulary ,specific prepositions and verbs  Also here,  you can see some photos working the prepositions: through, on, over, under. 
Year 1b

. Year 1

Romero Britto's Art class

In the Art class, we 've studied the artist "Romero Britto" from Brazil but settled in Miami (US). We loved his style, very colourful and happy. Year 4.

At the café. Role play

After a little break, we update the blog with some activities made in June. Here we can see the Role play "AT THE CAFÉ" 2nd year. They did it very well, congrats.

The Boatman game

We enjoyed playing the Boatman game in the playground. This is a typical English school game, here, in the P.E. class, we play a similar one (L'aranya). We practised some language structures, clothes and colours vocabulary and , of course, lots of movement. Year 4.

Comenius greetings

In this school year, we have learned how to say Hello in 7 languages, (the Comenius countries languages and thanks to the pets too). We will remember this fantastic Project because it has been very motivated for us and we have had the opportunity to know different countries, languages and cultures..Year 3 classroom