dissabte, 27 de febrer del 2016

Leandre Cristòfol. 5th Grade

Leandre Cristòfol, one of the greatest surrealist artists from Lleida. 
We studied his biography and we made some of his famous works. 

We also worked his " tribute to his mother, thinking about our mothers and their wishes.

Jackson Pollock 4th Grade.

Jackson Pollock.  Expressionism American artist. 
 In Year 4 we learnt about his life, artworks and we painted like him.
(Despite the stains in our smocks, we really enjoyed) 

Watercolour winter landscape. 3rd. Grade.

After an interesting vist to the art gallery "Petit Atelier" we practised the watercolour technique. 

Christmas hats. 2nd, 3rd.

Our fantastic ELFS hats. (2nd and 3rd Grade)

Keith Haring. The Body. Year 2

2nd Grade met Keith Haring, the American artist. We "copied" his colourful and simple drawings using our bodies. We had lot of fun.

We love drawing and painting big posters. Here, we did a lot of snowmen